Best Heat Resistant 3D Printing Materials


  1. 9 Best Heat Resistant 3D Printing Materials
  2. Cost Comparison of the 9 Best Heat Resistant 3D Printing Materials
  3. Q&As
Material Melting Point (°C) Applications Cost Range (per kg) Key Properties
ABS ~220 Automotive, consumer electronics $20 – $50 Strength, heat resistance
PEEK >340 Aerospace, medical implants, automotive $600 – $1,000 Thermal stability, chemical resistance
PEI/ULTEM ~217 Aerospace, automotive, electrical/electronics $300 – $500 Heat resistance, mechanical strength
PPSU ~288 Medical applications $200 – $400 Sterilization capability, toughness
PC ~260 Automotive, aerospace, consumer goods $50 – $150 Optical clarity, impact resistance
ASA Up to 100 (operational) Outdoor applications $25 – $70 UV, thermal resistance
PETG ~250 Packaging, medical devices, consumer products $20 – $60 Clarity, impact resistance
Ultem 1010 Up to 216 Aerospace, automotive, food processing $300 – $500 Enhanced thermal resistance, food-contact safe
PAHT CF15 >150 (deflection) Automotive, aerospace, industrial $100 – $300 High strength, rigidity, thermal stability

In the rapidly evolving landscape of 3D printing, selecting the right material is crucial for achieving desired outcomes, especially in applications demanding high thermal resistance. This article sheds light on the properties, applications and costs of the top 9 heat-resistant 3D printing materials, offering insights for professionals seeking materials that withstand high temperatures without compromising on performance.

3D printing material

9 Best Heat Resistant 3D Printing Materials

1. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

ABS, known for its strength and heat resistance, serves as a standard in the 3D printing industry. With a melting point around 220°C, it is ideal for creating durable parts that must endure high temperatures and mechanical stress. Its applications span from automotive components to consumer electronics, highlighting its versatility.

2. PEEK (Polyether Ether Ketone)

PEEK stands out for its exceptional thermal stability, with a melting point above 340°C. This material is renowned for its strength, chemical resistance, and ability to maintain properties in extreme conditions, making it suitable for aerospace, medical implants, and high-performance automotive parts.

3. PEI/ULTEM (Polyetherimide)

ULTEM, with a melting point of approximately 217°C, offers outstanding heat resistance and mechanical strength. Its inherent flame retardancy and ability to operate in high-temperature environments make it a preferred choice for aerospace, automotive, and electrical/electronic applications.

4. PPSU (Polyphenylsulfone)

PPSU is recognized for its high thermal resistance, with a melting point around 288°C. It excels in medical applications due to its sterilization capabilities, chemical resistance, and toughness, proving essential for reusable medical devices and high-performance parts.

5. PC (Polycarbonate)

Polycarbonate is famed for its transparency and heat resistance, with a melting point near 260°C. Its balance of optical clarity, impact resistance, and high-temperature performance makes it suitable for automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods that demand clarity and durability.

6. ASA (Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate)

ASA offers enhanced UV and thermal resistance compared to ABS, making it a prime choice for outdoor applications. Its ability to withstand prolonged sun exposure and temperatures up to 100°C without significant degradation or discoloration is invaluable for automotive exteriors and outdoor functional parts.

7. PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol)

PETG combines clarity with heat resistance, offering a melting point around 250°C. It is preferred for applications requiring transparency, impact resistance, and functionality at elevated temperatures, such as in the packaging, medical devices, and consumer products industries.

8. Ultem 1010

Ultem 1010, a variant of PEI, presents an enhanced thermal resistance and strength profile, capable of enduring temperatures up to 216°C. Its compliance with food-contact regulations and high strength-to-weight ratio make it ideal for aerospace, automotive, and food processing applications.

9. PAHT CF15 (Polyamide High Temperature Carbon Fiber 15%)

PAHT CF15 integrates carbon fibers into polyamide, boosting its thermal resistance and mechanical properties. With a heat deflection temperature exceeding 150°C, it is perfect for automotive, aerospace, and industrial components requiring high strength, rigidity, and thermal stability.

Cost Comparison of the 9 Best Heat Resistant 3D Printing Materials

Material Cost Range (per kg) Brief Description
ABS $20 – $50 Economical, versatile, good for entry-level applications.
PEEK $600 – $1,000 Premium, high-performance with exceptional thermal resistance and strength
PEI/ULTEM $300 – $500 High cost, flame retardant, suitable for specialized applications
PPSU $200 – $400 Expensive, superior heat resistance, ideal for medical applications
PC $50 – $150 Moderate cost, clear and durable, wide application range
ASA $25 – $70 Slightly more expensive than ABS, improved UV and thermal resistance
PETG $20 – $60 Cost-effective, offers clarity and heat resistance, suitable for various projects
Ultem 1010 $300 – $500 Similar to PEI/ULTEM, enhanced thermal resistance, food-contact safe
PAHT CF15 $100 – $300 Higher cost due to carbon fiber, improved thermal resistance, and mechanical strength


Q1: What factors should I consider when choosing a heat-resistant 3D printing material?

A1: When selecting a heat-resistant 3D printing material, consider the specific temperature requirements of your application, the material’s mechanical properties (such as strength and durability), chemical resistance, and compliance with safety standards (for example, flame retardancy). Also, take into account the cost of the material and the capabilities of your 3D printer.

Q2: Can I use ABS for outdoor applications, considering its heat resistance?

A2: ABS can be used for outdoor applications due to its heat resistance and strength. However, it may not perform as well as ASA in prolonged exposure to UV light, which can lead to discoloration and degradation. For outdoor uses, ASA is generally a better choice due to its enhanced UV stability.

Q3: Why is PEEK so much more expensive than other materials?

A3: PEEK’s high cost is attributed to its exceptional properties, including its superior thermal stability, strength, chemical resistance, and ability to maintain performance in extreme conditions. These characteristics make it suitable for high-performance applications in aerospace, medical, and automotive industries, where the material requirements are stringent.

Q4: How does the inclusion of carbon fibers in PAHT CF15 enhance its properties?

A4: The inclusion of carbon fibers in PAHT CF15 significantly enhances its mechanical properties, including strength and stiffness, while also improving its thermal resistance. These enhancements make PAHT CF15 suitable for demanding applications that require high strength, rigidity, and thermal stability, such as automotive and aerospace components.

Q5: For a beginner in 3D printing, which material would you recommend starting with?

A5: For beginners, starting with ABS or PETG is recommended. Both materials are relatively easy to print with and offer a good balance of strength, heat resistance, and cost-effectiveness. ABS is great for learning the basics of 3D printing, while PETG offers the added benefits of being less prone to warping and having better chemical resistance.

Q6: Can materials like PEEK and ULTEM be printed on any 3D printer?

A6: Printing with high-performance materials like PEEK and ULTEM typically requires specialized 3D printers that can reach higher extrusion temperatures and maintain consistent high-temperature environments during printing. These materials also require a printer with a heated bed and, in some cases, a chamber to prevent warping and ensure proper layer adhesion.

Q7: How do I balance cost and performance when choosing a 3D printing material?

A7: Balancing cost and performance involves evaluating the specific requirements of your application against the properties and cost of available materials. For non-critical parts or prototyping, more affordable materials like ABS or PETG may be sufficient. For applications requiring the highest performance, such as in aerospace or medical implants, investing in premium materials like PEEK or ULTEM may be necessary despite their higher cost.